7 Things to Know about our June 14 Service

We are eagerly looking forward to seeing you in person. As we gather again, there will be some adjustments as we honor the guidelines given to us by our Governor and as we seek to love and care for each during this pandemic. Here are SEVEN THINGS TO KNOW as we come back together in-person as a church family.

#1. Reserve Your Seat

Because we are limited to 75 people in our Sanctuary, we are asking Village families to reserve their seat for the services that they will be attending. The registration form lists our services from June 14 – July 12. You do not have to sign-up for the same service time every week. If we fill up the two services we will look to add a third. Please coordinate with your spouse, so that you do not register your family twice.

Click here to reserve your seat

#2 Please Wear a Mask

We are highly recommending everyone wears a mask. This is for the safety and protection of everyone. We recognize people may share different views regarding the mask and may choose not to wear one. We are encouraging the mask as a way of being sensitive to everyone who is gathering. This is a way for us to care and love everyone in the Village family include the guests who may be joining us. If you do not have a mask, some will be available for you upon entry.

#3. Let’s Be a Welcoming Church

One of the great joys of gathering as a church family is being able to welcome and greet each other either through a handshake or hug. During this season, we are asking that we refrain from handshaking and hugging. But let’s continue to be a welcoming church as we eagerly greet and welcome each other.

#4. Singing Together

Worshiping Jesus through song is a significant part of our church gatherings. We will be inviting you to join us in singing, but we do want you to know that health officials have said singing can be a higher risk activity when it comes to the spread of the virus. We are going to take extra precautions in this area by placing extra distance between the worship team and the congregation. We also highly encourage the wearing of mask during the singing time.

#5. Online Services

We will continue to provide our services online. We will be recording one of our Sunday services and then posting it on our website later Sunday afternoon. If you are not able to join us in person, we hope you will still gather with us online.

#6. No Childcare

Village continues to welcome all ages into our services. We will not be able to provide nursery or childcare during this time. Be prepared to have your children with you throughout the morning. Seating in the Commons and Lobby will be available for parents who need to have space for their younger children to make noise.

#7. Let’s Take Care of Each Other

One of our priorities as we gather is the health and care of all who will be gathering. If you are sick, please stay home and get well. We will look forward to seeing you soon. And if you are in one of the age-groups that is at a higher-risk we want to encourage you take strong precautions as you consider gathering with us.