Category: Featured

Sunday Set List: February 24

Sunday Set List: February 24

Be Thou My Vision Death Was Arrested Grace Greater Than Our Sin One Thing Remains Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)   …Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday… Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…” – Genesis 2:23  There is something so profound about being one flesh. It’s not just a married […]

Sunday Set List: February 17

Sunday Set List: February 17

Sunday Set List: This Is Amazing Grace Cannons Living Hope Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) …Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday… How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! – 1 John 3:1  What encouraging words for this week. In the song This is […]

Sunday Set List: February 10

Sunday Set List: February 10

Sunday Setlist: How Great is Our God Come Like the Wind Cornerstone One Thing Remains Holy Is the Lord …Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday… The song “How Great is Our God” is something of an anthem in the Church, today. All around the earth, in numerous languages, God’s people unite with this theme: God is great. […]

Resources for Sharing the Gospel

Resources for Sharing the Gospel

During our 3-week Sunday School class in January on ‘How to Share the Gospel” we shared several resources we can use in sharing with someone the message of salvation. Here are links to some of those presentations plus some additional resources: Gospel Presentations Bridge Illustration ( One-Verse Evangelism ( Steps to Life ( Know God […]