Category: Featured

Five Ways to Develop a Hunger for God and His Word

Five Ways to Develop a Hunger for God and His Word

Ask God to give you a hunger for Him. The starting point in developing a hunger for God is to ask God to create in you what only he can create. David says in Psalm 51, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” When you […]

Christmas Offering for our Friends in Mexico

Christmas Offering for our Friends in Mexico

This past fall Marcos Schultz, one of our World Discipleship Partners, has had the privilege of being a part of a new church plant in Mexico called Alas. It is a church for people with special needs. Marcos described the first service which took place this past fall: “There was a myriad hodgepodge of people […]

He Appeared In A Body – The Case for Imaginative Expression in Worship Songs

He Appeared In A Body – The Case for Imaginative Expression in Worship Songs

My son is beginning to transition into singing words, from his toddler tendency of humming and singing gibberish. Each night, he adds a new word or two to the song Jesus Loves Me or “Yeesus yuvs ne” as he puts it. The picture above is of Edward with his Grandpa Troy, enjoying vitality and playfulness […]