Children’s Ministry

Nursery (birth – 24 months)
Nursery care is provided for children from birth thru the age 2 every Sunday morning during the Worship Service and Sunday school. Our nursery care team desires for you and your children to feel loved, nurtured, and safe.

Sunday School (Preschool – 5th Grade)
During the school year, Sunday school is offered at 10:30 am to students 3 years old through 5th grade. Through sound Bible teaching and small group discussion our children get to learn about the truth and love of Jesus.

Awana (Preschool – 5th grade)
Awana is our Wednesday evening ministry to children preschool thru 5th grade. We use scripture memory, games, stories, and music to reach and teach kids the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Click here to learn more

Vacation Bible School (Preschool to 5th grade)
During the summer we offer a one-week VBS (Vacation Bible School) for kids in preschool through 5th grade. This is an exciting week full of games, craft, songs and real-life stories from the Bible that encourage kids with the love and truth of Jesus.