Five Reasons Not To Worry

In our series, Overcoming Anxiety, we are looking at the words that Jesus spoke about worry in Matthew 6. In verses 25-32, Jesus gives us a command not to become anxious or worried about our life and tells us five reasons why:

  1. There is more to this life than the physical (verse 25)
    Jesus begins by reminding us that our lives are ultimately not about what we can see, hear and touch but it is about the eternal God of Kingdom.
  2. We are valuable to God (verse 26)
    When we worry about things in our life, what we are really doing is questioning or doubting our value or our importance before God. Scripture is full of verses that tell us how much God treasures us as Believers in Jesus Christ. In fact, as He children he is constantly lavishing is love on us. We are cherished and valuable in his sight.

  3. Worry doesn’t change anything (verse 27)
    Jesus tells us worry can not add one hour to our life. Worrying about something doesn’t our past, present or future. Rather, the Apostle Paul tells us instead to pray about all things.
  4. We are called to live by faith (verse 30)
    A life of worry is not the life we are called to as followers of Jesus. We are called to walk by faith and not by sight. When we worry, we are not reflecting the heart of the righteous and saved but rather then heart of the unrighteousness and unsaved. 

  5. The Father knows what we need (verses 31-32)
    Finally, Jesus reminds his disciples that the very God who created all things knows our every need. he is not unaware. He is not unconcerned. He knows. And the very one who loves us will care for us in accordance with His grace and mercy.