Into His Harvest

Scripture tells us that when God sent His Son into this world, He did so out His love for this world. His compassion for those who were perishing caused Him to willingly give His own Son so that those who were spiritually dying would know eternal life. When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He came reflecting the heart of the Father, calling all people to repent and find salvation in Him.

And as Jesus came proclaiming this good news, He invited His disciples to join Him. And He continues to invite us today. But unfortunately, those entering into His work remain few.

This Sunday we begin a new 4-week sermon series called “Into His Harvest,” a phrase that comes from Matthew 9:38 in which Jesus urges His disciples to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” This phrase represents what we have been commissioned into as followers of Jesus. And so in this series we are going to explore what it looks like for us to become a church that is 1) earnestly praying for the sake of the Gospel and 2) compassionately engaging for the sake of the Gospel.

This series will also begin a 2-year initiative of preaching on the themes of earnestly praying and compassionately engaging as we seek to be people who are living out the heart of the Father. As we enter into this two-year season, would you begin to specifically pray for these two themes for our church? Would you pray that God would give us His heart for those who are perishing? And would you pray that God would use our church to be active laborers for the sake of the Gospel?