Our focus at Village is discipleship — making disciple-makers. In our immediate community, we want to reach and teach all those Christ puts in relationship to us. But we are also to reach beyond our own context into the world. We do this in partnership with families around the world and local organizations. We dedicate 12.5% of all that is given to the church’s General Fund to support our Worship Discipleship Partners.

World Missions
Village’s philosophy is that healthy ministry partnership is a significant investment of time, treasure, prayer, and relationship, so we are selective in how many partners we commit to support. Each of our partners contribute to the life of the church and serve in meaningful ways when they are with us.
Village is reaching the ends of the earth through partnership with three families who are serving in Mexico, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. Due to the sensitivity of their work and security precautions we do not list their names or information publicly, but we would love to share about them with you in person. Please ask a staff or Elder about them when you visit Village.

Local Missions
Village also has local organizations that we financial support and partner with. Those organizations are: Shamineau Ministries, the, Love INC-Heartland, the North Central District and The Evangelical Free Church of America is the denomination in which we are affiliated.