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1. Fall Kickoff Church Picnic
Mark your calendars! We are going to kick off the fall with an all-church picnic on September 10 following our 10:30 Sunday School hour. More details to come!
2. Bylaws Informational Meeting
Plan to attend one of the informational meetings to learn more about proposed bylaw revisions from the Elders. Meetings will be held on Sunday, September 17 and Thursday, September 21 at 6:30 PM in the Commons.
3. Women’s Retreat
Women at Village will be attending the Women’s Rejuvenate Retreat at Camp Shamineau, September 22-24, 2023. Registration is on the Camp Shamineau website: REJUVENATE | Camp Shamineau. In the housing section, list that you are attending with the Village Church Group. Any questions, contact Stephanie Hemmesch or Janice Van Arnam.
4. Register for Village Schools of the Bible
Village Schools of the Bible is offering a Cover-to-Cover Course 16-week intensive Bible Study on the Old Testament at Village Church on Tuesday evenings starting September 5. Click here for more information and to register.