Online Women’s Christmas Group
You are invited to join a 4-week Online Women’s Group that will focus on Christmas. We will be utilizing the online conference tool called Zoom to “gather together” during this season that we celebrate our King. Because we have limited face-to-face contact and many reasons to distract us from the reason for Christmas, we want to spend a short time each week remembering our Savior. This group will have no prep work or homework, but will include Bible reading, devotional thoughts, discussion questions, and prayer.
When: Monday Nights – November 30, December 7,
December 14 and December 21
Time: 8:00-8:30 pm
Where: Via Zoom on your computer or phone
Want to join or have questions: Contact Janice at 612-799-3896 or
You don’t need to commit to every week. You can pop into whichever ones work for you.