Our March 15th Sunday Service is Canceled

Dear Village Church Family,

On Friday Governor Walz issued a statewide recommendation to cancel public gatherings of 250 or more people and also events in smaller venues that do not allow social distancing of 6 feet per person. The purpose of this restriction is to protect the public’s health and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19.  In wanting to protect the health of the Village Church family and those in our community (in addition to honoring our state’s leadership), the Elders have made the decision to cancel Sunday’s Worship Service and Sunday School. This decision is also in alignment with many of our other area churches who are making the same decision. We will continue to follow the situation and keep you updated on the status of upcoming events at Village Church.

On Sunday evening, we also had scheduled our Prayer Night. I plan to be at the church at 6:30 PM tomorrow to pray. If you desire, I invite you to join me to pray for our community, nation and world. We will implement the social distancing guidelines during the gathering.

During this season, let’s be mindful of the needs of those around us. Let’s be caring and generous people serving and loving both those in our church family and those in our community.

This may seem like an anxious time, but as we know from Scripture, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God is just as powerful and trustworthy today as He was before this health crisis, and we place our trust in Him knowing that He is faithful. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, today and every day.

In Christ,

Senior Pastor