Sunday Set List: February 17

Sunday Set List:

This Is Amazing Grace


Living Hope

Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)

…Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday…

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! – 1 John 3:1  What encouraging words for this week.

In the song This is Amazing Grace, we sing “You laid down Your life/that I would be set free/oh, Jesus I sing for/all that you’ve done for me” my mind is flooded with memories of what Christ has done for me. What comes to your mind?

In Cannons, we celebrate the joy that while God has manufactured galaxies, His heart is carefully listening to us singing to Him. “C’mon, let’s sing it out!” As long as we have life to sing, let’s praise Him!

We have been singing Living Hope for about a month now, what a sweet “Story Song” of good news. I can’t wait to sing this week, together, to the God who has “broken every chain/…Jesus Christ my living hope.”

Broken Vessels – so much to say about this song. As we’re singing this song, couples are coming up to receive a prayer of blessing over their marriages. “All these pieces/broken and tattered/in mercy gathered/mended and whole…” are the opening lyrics. Such fitting words for relationships, especially marriage.  We take a moment to sing back to God of the way He looks at us with love, and redeems us. “Oh I can see You now/I can see the love in Your eyes/Laying Yourself down/raising up the broken to life.”

I don’t know how many of your weeks went. Maybe Valentine’s Day was hard. Holidays seem to be polemic. I’m sorry if it was a difficult week for you. I hope you will join me in gathering this week, and being refreshed by singing to Jesus. He isn’t listening for your tonal quality He is listening to you sing to Him from your heart. (Paul says that if he sings with the tongues of angels but lacks love…his song is annoying!) So we bring our songs to God, but most importantly, join me and the Praise Team, and let’s bring Him our hearts.

PS: The three-part marriage series has us opening with a love song, each week. If you arrive early, you’ll hear the song “Still the One” a 1976 love song from the band “The Orleans.”  It was a song that inspired me to think that one day I could sing “we’re still havin’ fun, and you’re still the one.” Almost 3 years into our marriage, now, I still want that for Karis and me. I want it for you, too! Whether you are single, wanting to be married someday, married, or death/divorce has separated you from your spouse, I encourage you to lean in to Pastor Jeff’s message, and listen to how we can honor marriage as a church family.