Sunday Set List: April 14

| 10,000 Reasons

| Cannons

| Build My Life – [New Song]

| Hosanna (Praise is Rising)

| Kindness |

…Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday…

While Village Church worships at church on Sunday, several of the Village Youth worship at District Blitz in Duluth, Minnesota. Village will be blessed by our sweet, dedicated praise team. Duluth will be rockin’ with a DJ, and a guy in the worship band that jumps on stuff (he literally jumped on stuff on stage for the Friday night set…several times).

Which one is more authentic?  The answer is … both. While our 20-something excited fellow expresses his zeal in more emotive…acrobatic ways (parkour for Jesus?) Our Praise Team and our church will sing—in our own way—that God is “rich in love…slow to anger” that God is “Holy, great and mighty” that “there is no one like” God, that it’s His “kindness…that leads us to repentance” and that we love Him.

I want to encourage you to feel freedom to emote/demonstrate/engage with your whole being. I smiled as he jumped around, and put him at Village in my mind, picturing Marty McFly rocking out to 80’s music in the 50’s. Different cultures/different ages. It’s wonderful to long for, hunger after God! It’s refreshing to say to our own soul “I want God; I can’t live without God.” And then to declare it—with our hearts, our minds and our voices. You don’t have to be a rock star, and I don’t want Richard Drewlow jumping off his drum kit (we have that situation contained with clear plastic, anyways). Still, I dearly, deeply, badly want you to know the joy and freedom of laying your cares right there onto Jesus capable shoulders and singing in freedom. If that means softly singing, or dancing in the pews, what Our Father is calling us to is authentic worship in spirit and in truth. Let us worship this week—and every moment of obedience and adoration.