Sunday Set List: April 7

| At Your Name

| Build My Life – [New Song]

| Jesus Messiah

| All I Have Is Christ

| Revelation Song |

…Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday…

As the song At Your Name says, “there is no one like our God.” It follows—because there is no one like Him—that we will praise Him! Jesus is God. Therefore, as we have breath in our lungs, we will sing out/shout out/live out our praise of our God, Yahweh, the Holy One!

Because Jesus is who He says He is, likewise, we sing Build My Life, a joyful song to the God who is “worthy of every song we could ever sing.” 

These two songs are delightfully unified in the simplicity that God is. Out of His character/nature/being is profound cause for worship.

Jesus Messiah contains such specifically fitting words for us today. As that song sings “all our hope is in You” our communion song expresses the reality of life before Christ “I had no hope” until the anthem All I Have Is Christ resounds.

After our guest speaker brings us through a message about the Passover meal, and we share in communion, we sing out Revelation Song, anticipating the glory of God in the resurrected and returning face of Jesus—the worthy Lamb who was slain.

Let us worship from the our whole being, head and heart.