Sunday Set List: May 26

| We Believe

| Praise Adonai

| One Thing Remains

| Death Was Arrested

| Great is Thy Faithfulness

…Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday…

Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
    tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations,
    his marvelous works among all the peoples!” Psalm 96:2-3

I’m still on cloud 9 from last week. Tons of kids, shining and singing for Jesus, a chance to dig into Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and celebrating the year that was Sunday School.

This week we stop and look ahead to summer with preparation of praise. We Believe opens our day in the thing that unites us, in a world that seems bent upon division.  Praise Adonai Aflows with God’s Word that Jeff will lead us in, as we “tell of God’s salvation from day to day” we practice a habit of continual praise. We then sing, One Thing Remains, we sing a promise back to God, we remind ourselves that His love never fails, or gives up, or runs out on us. Death Was Arrested is our song of why God’s love never runs out (because God loved us by sending Jesus!!!), and how it affects us (makes us free, felt through His Holy Spirit! Yahoo!).

Lastly, would you join me in singing, How Great is Thy Faithfulness, as we boldly enter this Memorial Day week with the same hope that caused many to lay down their lives — from apostles to pilgrims to founding fathers, to men who died for America’s freedom. God tells us to honor those who are honorable, so while we need to be careful to not worship America, or confuse which kingdom we want to lift high in our lives, we really please God when we show honor and respect to whom it is due. I’m so thankful my grandfather served, and your grandfather, your loved one, gave their life. One day, if those liberties of worshipping Jesus are removed from our country, we will still have everlasting freedom in Jesus, and be Christians in this nation. Let’s celebrate our Savior! I hope you have a very Happy Memorial Day Weekend!