Sunday Set List: May 5

| Another In the Fire [New Song]

| Open Up the Heavens

| Before the Throne of God Above 

| Desert Song

| Lord, I Need You

…Anticipatory Reflections of Sunday…

The root of what we worry about is anchored in where our treasures are. Therefore, we should not worry. We should treasure Christ. Two beautiful examples the Son of God, Himself, gives us is birds and flowers. What is more carefree than a bird? Everybody knows that. We even have the saying “free as a bird.” Flowers are resplendent with the loveliest colors, graceful with the soft textures and rich with sweet smells. What is dressed and prettier than a flower? God–Holy Admirer of His precious creation–stands watch in care, as earths great gardener, over His bird and over His flowers.

Jesus then points back to us. Compares us. Prefers us. Treasures us. We have the challenge to live free.

Therefore, when we sing Another in the Fire whether you happen to know this brand new song and sing along, or whether you simply sit and take in the truth as a beautiful fragrance, I hope you notice the motif–that God is with us when we walk with Him through the seemingly impossible.

When we sing Open Up the Heavens I hope you join me in savoring the refrain “show us Your glory/power” because we treasure Him, as our great Gardener.

When we sing Before the Throne of God Above I hope you enjoy the promise that nothing–not our own sin, or the persuasion of evil, or any mistake or failing–can remove our standing if we belong to Jesus, because the work of our standing was done by Jesus, and He stands for us.

When we sing The Desert Song I anticipate a joy of reflecting that “in every season/You are still God” and the determination that we will not base our worship on our circumstances. How freeing!

When we sing Lord, I Need You would you join me in not “just letting go” but truly surrendering our worry and our holding on to anxiety, and by no means “caring less” but rather, caring about Jesus more. I don’t want to be careless. I want to place my cares into Jesus’ care, and release them specifically, and solely, to Him.

What will it take for me to choose to trust Jesus with my worries this week? How about you?

While we take communion, if you have placed your trust in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of sins, please join us in remembering and expressing heartfelt gratitude to Jesus. Please examine yourself, and keep short accounts with God and people. Please enjoy the sweetness of Jesus caring for your soul, eternally, by going to the cross, for you, for me. Surely, we are a treasured people.

Would you join me in asking God to speak into our hearts, using Jeff, as he brings God’s Word to us. We Christians like the term “get out of the way for God to speak” and it’s fitting in contrast to divisive agendas. Nevertheless, God very much wants Jeff “in the way” speaking the way, and leading us to The Way. So I look forward to Sunday. I am waiting for this day, to gather with you and call out to our God to show us more of Himself. Heaven is going to rock. Let’s show earth a taste of it. Worrying is most definitely not a Heaven-thing.

Blessings to you!