Update From Jeff Horch (3/16)
Dear Village Church Family,
I want to send you an update on how the leadership of Village Church is seeking to respond to the coronavirus. As we continue to gather information to make the best decisions for us and our community, we are relying on information from national and state health authorities as well as seeking wisdom from area churches. And most important, we are asking God to give us His wisdom and discernment.
A couple recent developments have impacted our current decisions. First, Governor Walz closed schools for the next two weeks, and second, the White House has advised people not to gather in groups of more than 10 for the next 15 days. The next 2 weeks seem to be a critical time in the prevention of this virus.
In light of these developments, the Elders are canceling all Village Church events for the next 2 weeks, which includes our Sunday morning service. We are also encouraging Growth Groups not to gather during this time but will leave that to the discretion of each group.
Our desire is that we would be able to gather again on Sunday, March 29, but we also recognize that these cautionary guidelines might extend beyond the two weeks. Our staff is currently in the process of brainstorming how we can provide online resources and opportunities for both relationship and spiritual connection with each other. We will provide an update soon.
During this season I want to encourage us to do three things:
1) Would you reach out to a couple people from Village each day both to encourage them and to also see if they have needs? Ask the Lord to daily bring people to your mind and send them a text, email or phone call. During this time let’s be proactive in staying in community with each other.
2) And then would you reach out to your neighbors (especially your older neighbors) to see if there is anything you can do to help them? This is a great opportunity for us as the body of Christ to love and serve those around us. May we not miss out on this moment to be the hands and feet of Christ.
3) And then finally, would you remember your financial giving to Village Church? It can be easy to forget when we do not gather, but we still have weekly financial responsibilities. You can give online at our website, mail it, or drop it off at the church during weekday office hours. Thank you for your continued faithfulness in this area.
Challenging times can create new God-given opportunities. How is God at work in your life through this season? Take some time to listen to His leading and then in faith response in obedience. May we recognize that the testing of our faith is an opportunity for our faith to be proved genuine. Village Church, may we shine for Him during this season.
I will be continually praying for you! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
In Christ,
Jeff Horch