Village Elders Request Your Feedback

Dear Village Church Family,

It has been four weeks since we began gathering again in-person on Sunday mornings. What a blessing it has been to be able to see each other face-to-face. We truly missed being together. As we have all had to make some adjustments during this unique season, we want to thank you so much for your graciousness, patience and persevering spirit. What a joy it is to be walking through this with you. We also know some are still choosing to gather with us online and we eagerly look forward to a time we can be with you again.

As we explore how we can continue to come together in a safe and welcoming environment on Sunday mornings, we would love to get your feedback. Would you take a moment and fill out this brief four-question survey? Your input will be helpful as the Elders prayerfully seek how to best love and lead our church family. We know in all seasons God is at work and we are excited to see how He will continue to use us to live out our mission of glorying Him, loving people and making disciple-makers.

Here is the link to the survey. Thanks in advance for your time and feedback.

The Elders of Village Church