Worship While We Wait

Church family, as we wait to be reunited soon, elders and staff are before God considering ways to encourage you in love and good deeds (Heb 10:23-25) We are encouraged by Sunday posts which feature a few songs the Praise Team leads, and we want to connect you with still more songs of hope and promise.

Here are 12 links. (Many of these were contributed by Jim Busch–thank you, Jim!) May they be a catalyst to your worship of the living God. Note: as with everything, our attitude going into videos determines much of what we get out of them. Would you take a moment to still your heart, and prepare to lean into this as a sweet opportunity for your soul to reflect on words that are echoes of Scripture. With that said, here are 12 encouraging praise songs!

We love you, church family. May God bring us all together very soon!
NOTE: if you have a song link that encourages your heart, would you send me the link @ brian.pearson@villagechurch.com? I would love to hear how God is encouraging your life at this time.