Youth (Student Ministries)
Sunday Morning

Middle School (6th – 8th)
Our middle schoolers (6th – 8th) go through a 3-year program called Biblical Instruction (B.I.) that teaches them how know the Bible and apply it to their everyday lives

High School (9th – 12th)
Our High School Sunday School class is designed to engage our students in thought and discussion on teachings from the Bible that challenge their thinking and instill in them a Christian worldview as they growing in their relationship with Jesus.
Wednesday Evening

Youth Group (6th – 12th)
Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group (7th-12th grade) meets during the school year on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm at Camp Ihduhapi, which is down the road 1.6 miles from Village. We spend time playing games, singing, studying God’s Word, and meeting in D-groups, which are designed for discipleship. Our Discipleship groups (D-groups) are lead by adults that have a passion for our students to know Jesus.